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  • ChatGPT meets LinkedIn, but is it really that great?

ChatGPT meets LinkedIn, but is it really that great?

An honest review of 3 AI-forward tools

šŸ¤– Hey there botified nation!

Three more AI tool reviews this week.

ChatGPT meets LinkedIn - an email generator using AI

tl;dv - a meeting transcriber that does a great job capturing takeaways

durable - an AI website generator (or maybe just a glorified template builder?)

Letā€™s get into it!

Overall rating: 3/5 šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤– 

The ChatGPT LinkedIn email generator is a Google Chrome browser extension. This extension is designed to help you generate LinkedIn messages with the assistance of Generative AI using your company information and the recipients LinkedIn profile. The combination of their LinkedIn profile and your company name is designed to generate a personalized message.

I developed a fictitious company called InnovateX1 who produces an annual conference called Global Digital Impact Summit. It is a sales organization committed to revolutionizing the technology conference landscape. They primarily focus on finding speakers for conferences as well as sell conference booth space to vendors.

Here is the about information I entered into the tool for reference:

About InnovateX1

InnovateX is a groundbreaking sales organization committed to revolutionizing the technology conference landscape. Our primary goal is to connect cutting-edge conference spaces with visionary speakers, fostering an environment of collaboration, exploration, and expansion within the digital technology sphere. We proudly present our flagship event, the "Global Digital Impact Summit" (GDIS), an immersive and empowering technology conference designed to help businesses, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts capitalize on the latest innovations in the digital world.

Today, weā€™re going to test it out on some popular people:

First, letā€™s get this setup. To install this, you first need to install this Google Chrome extension.

Once installed, you will need to activate the extension and enter company information. You have the ability to automatically pull in your profile and company information or enter it yourself. For the purposes of this experiment, I entered the fictitious company information in myself.

To do this, a new button appears on the LinkedIn UI that says ā€œWrite personalized emailā€.

Now itā€™s time to start generating the emails. My expectation for both generated emails is for it to target them specifically asking them to speak at the Global Digital Impact Summit using personal information from their profile. Letā€™s see what it comes up with!

Gary Vaynerchuk:

To: Gary Vaynerchuk

Subject: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Technology


Hi Gary,

I'm Harrison Greywell, VP of Sales at InnovateX1.

As Chairman of VaynerX, CEO of VaynerMedia, you understand the importance of leveraging digital technology to drive business growth. We're proud to present the Global Digital Impact Summit (GDIS), an immersive and empowering technology conference designed to help businesses, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts capitalize on the latest innovations in the digital world.

Join us to discover the latest trends and innovations, learn from renowned speakers and industry leaders, network with like-minded professionals, and gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of the digital revolution. We invite you to explore the potential of digital technology, and be part of the movement that is transforming the world.

Reply to this email if you want to learn more.


Harrison Greywell VP of Sales, InnovateX1

Mehā€¦ I mean - itā€™s an email, but it is kind of boring. It also didnā€™t target Gary V. as a potential speaker for the conference. Maybe it would be good to add a creative mode to the prompt package to allow the AI tool to have a little fun with its messaging. Letā€™s try Simon.

Simon Sinek

To: Simon Sinek

Subject: Learn more about GDIS - the Global Digital Impact Summit


Dear Simon,

I'm Harrison Greywell, VP of Sales at InnovateX1.

We are revolutionizing the technology conference landscape with our flagship event, the Global Digital Impact Summit (GDIS). Our mission is to create a unique, interactive, and engaging experience for all attendees, while spotlighting the transformative potential of digital technology on society, the economy, and the environment.

As a Founder, I'm sure you understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest digital technology trends and innovations. GDIS is the perfect platform to do just that, with a specific focus on web-based solutions, web3, AI, and more.

Would you like to learn more about GDIS and how it can benefit you? Reply to this email and I'll be happy to discuss it further.

Best Regards,

Harrison Greywell VP of Sales, InnovateX1

Again, Iā€™m going to have to give this response aā€¦mehā€¦ In the about section of InnovateX1, I specifically added ā€œOur primary goal is to connect cutting-edge conference spaces with visionary speakers, fostering an environment of collaboration, exploration, and expansion within the digital technology sphere.ā€ I believed this would encourage the generative AI tool to seek speakers for the conference.

But what about job seekers?

One great use case for this type of technology would be for job seekers. Commonly, job candidates will reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn. What would a sales letter look like using this tool? For this use case, I chose a random Google recruiter and modified the company description to be about a fictitous job-seeking product manager.

I created a fictitious job-seeker named Alex Hartfield. Here is Alexā€™s background that I will put into the company description field. I added a key phrase ā€œI am seeking a new role with a great companyā€ that I am assuming will ask the recruiter about roles in product management. I also set the Title to ā€œJob Seekerā€ and the company name to ā€œProduct Managementā€.

About Me

I am an innovative and highly-driven Product Manager with over 8 years of experience in building technology products for a diverse range of startups across multiple industries. I have a strong passion for creating solutions that cater to the unique needs of each industry, and I thrive on overcoming the challenges that come with developing innovative products from scratch. As a natural leader and an effective communicator, I excel in collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure the successful launch and adoption of cutting-edge technology products. I am seeking a new role with a great company.

Key Accomplishments

Launched "FarmTech" for AgriTech industry, an AI-driven smart farming platform that optimized crop yield, reduced water usage by 30%, and increased overall efficiency in 50+ farms across the country.

Developed "EcoRide", a sustainable urban transportation app for the GreenTech industry that facilitated the seamless integration of e-scooters, e-bikes, and electric car-sharing services, resulting in a 25% reduction in carbon emissions in the city.

Introduced "WellBee", a telemedicine platform for the HealthTech sector that connected rural patients with doctors in real-time, improving access to healthcare for over 10,000 patients in remote locations.

Spearheaded the development of "EduGuru", an EdTech platform using adaptive learning algorithms to create personalized learning plans for students, resulting in a 20% improvement in standardized test scores for 5,000+ students.

Built "ReelStory", an AI-driven video editing tool for the MediaTech industry that streamlined video production workflows, saving content creators an average of 10 hours per project.

Letā€™s give it a shot!

To: Leah Bankett

Subject: Alex Hartfield - Experienced Product Manager

Message: Hi Leah, I'm Alex Hartfield, an experienced Product Manager with 8+ years of experience. My passion is creating solutions for unique industry needs, and I'm a natural leader and effective communicator.

I'm looking for a new role with a great company and am confident I can be a strong asset to your team. Could I send a follow up email to discuss further?


Alex Hartfield

Not too bad. Certainly better than the previous two examples. I can see how this could aid people in their job-seeking efforts by generating LinkedIn messages.

All-in-all, I feel this tool is interesting, but falls short on its promise to send personalized messages to LinkedIn members based on their profile information and creativity. As you know, you need a bit of creativity to stand out in a crowd. These influencers and recruiters receive countless messages. This tool would benefit from a couple things:

  1. Expand out its use cases. Create a job-seeking mode, sales mode, etc. Find all of the use cases that people are typically sending messages to others on LinkedIn and engineer the prompts accordingly.

  2. Add in a creativity toggle. One of the features of generative AI is its ability to adjust the temperature of its responses. A higher temperature will produce a more creative response, while a lower temperature will be more straight-forward.

Overall rating: 5/5 šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤– 

Wow. I was really blown away by tl;dv after my review. I was skeptical of the tool at first, but after I ran some tests of my own where I literally tried to trick the tool, it caught on and was super precise on the takeways it came up with. Below is my experience.

First off, tl;dv works for both Google Meet and Zoom. I did not test this on Zoom, but I did independent tests on Google Meet.

tl;dv touts itself as an AI meeting notes recorder powered by GPT. It transcribes & summarizes calls with your customers, prospects, and your team. It supports up to 20+ languages, has the ability to create clips from the recordings, and even has company-wide search capabilities of all meetings recorded by tl;dv.

Now, before we move forward, you HAVE to check out their video featuring Jack Nicholson as ā€œJacky Boyā€. I found this really entertaining šŸ™‚ 

To use tl;dv, you must first install it. It is available for both Google Meet and Zoom. The Zoom version seems to only be available for MacOS and not Windows. This is a big miss in my opinion as the majority of business users are on Windows machines. I am hearing, however, this is coming very soon.

I installed the Google Meet version as a Google Chrome extension.

The installation was very straight forward. Once it was installed, I had the option within my Google Meetings to record and transcribe my calls. Once I invoked this on the application, a tl;dv bot joined the meeting.

First, I recorded a short monolog with myself as the only meeting participant. In my dialog, I was debating whether I should send the botified newsletter on Thursday or Friday. After I finished my monolog and ended the meeting, the portal showed the below ā€œAi is writingā€¦ā€.

After my 1-minute monolog with myself, tl;dv decided that the key takeaway from all of the verbal speech I was having was that I decided to send the newsletter on Thursdays only moving forward. This was spot-on as I concluded this on my debate.

The nice thing about tl;dv is it skipped all the fluff and got the the point on a key takeaway from the discussion.

I decided to have a bit more lengthy of a monolog with myself. Ok Iā€™m starting to sound crazy here in my office talking to myself on a meeting, but it was the only practical way I could test out this tool! šŸ™‚ 

Below is the transcript of my monolog to myself for reference as well as what tl;dv took as my main point. This was highly accurate. The monolog was a highly indecisive discussion going back and forth on whether I should take a (random) opportunity or not. tl;dv did a great job at picking up on the fact that I decided to take the opportunity versus not taking it. Hereā€™s the conversation as well as tl;dvā€™s takeaway:

On one hand, it could be a great opportunity, it could lead to new connections and possibilities. But on the other hand, it could also be a huge risk. What if it doesn't workout, what if I'm not ready for it? What if I regret it later? I'm really grateful for this opportunity.

It's something that I've been considering for a long time now. But I'm not sure if I'm ready yet. There are a lot of unknowns and I don't want to jump to into something without being fully prepared. Okay, I feel good about that. I'm honest, if I'm being honest and transparent about where I'm at, but the same time.

I don't want to miss out on the opportunity. Maybe what we're thinking it maybe. I just need to take a leap of faith and see where it takes me. You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna take this opportunity and see where it leads me. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, but I know that I can handle whatever comes my way.

Okay, I did it. I made a decision, but was it the right one? Only time will tell. I just have to trust that I'm on the right path and keep moving forward.

I really think this tool is one of the better use cases for AI out there that can help one be more productive. I am very impressed with tl;dv and its capabilities to transcribe and capture action items from meetings. It seems robust enough to stand up to conversations which could be very variable in nature and have a lot of people involved. The biggest downside being unavailable on Zoom for Windows, but this is coming soon.

I highly recommend you leverage this tool as it is one of the better use cases that Iā€™ve seen using generative AI and audio.

Overall rating: 2/5 šŸ¤–šŸ¤–

Alright botified nation. Letā€™s build a new botified.ai website using the durable AI website building tool.

The tool starts out with the below button to generate your website in seconds. I started by clicking the button to generate my website. Wow, this sounds easy enoughā€¦

Once clicked, youā€™re presented with a map and it attempts geolocate you. You also enter the business youā€™re building. I typed in newsletter.

Next, I entered the business name botified.

After this step, durable generated my customized AI generated website. It created several sections such as a hero, a fake testimonial, a services section, and some other fluff. It also made some broad assumptions about the business. This is not surprising as the inputs were pretty minimal (location, business type, and business name).

It was fully customizable and mobile friendly.

durable.co then gives you the opportunity to regenerate sections of the website it generated using AI.

To improve this tool, I have the following recommendations:

  • Expand the questions further to allow people to add more breadth to their AI generated site. The key to generate meaningful responses from generative AI models is to give really good context in the prompt. For example, the website would have been more meaningful if I was able to explain more about the business than just a business name and business type.

  • Build in the capability to scrape an existing websiteā€™s content and leverage the existing content in the prompt. This could give a lot more context to the large language model (LLM) to generate more meaningful website content. It seems durable.co is in the business of building websites and monetizing their product through paid plans that include domains, hosting, and other such activities, so I would think the market for users upgrading their web presence would be pretty ripe.

I have to admit, I was pretty underwhelmed at what it generated in the sense that it didnā€™t leverage the power of AI in the ways I would have expected. This tool feels more like a glorified template generator and lead magnet. I think the idea of tools such as these to generate websites are ideal candidates for LLM technology, but the execution should be more thoughtful and consider common scenarios for users (more customization options and the ability to leverage existing content).

Andā€¦May the 4th Be With You

Prompt: a bunch of chewbacca's taking a selfie while smiling and having fun, wide angle, Directional Light, Soft Lighting, Cinematic Hyperrealistic, 8k, Extremely Detailed, Panoramic, Dramatic, Landscape , realistic, cinematic light , 8kā€“v 4 ā€“q 5

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